On the way back we took the scenic route since I had never been to Myrtle Beach. I waded in the SC ocean (yea, it was BRRRR) and we stopped to wander a bit at the outlet malls, which was a good thing as I got a good deal on several pair of wool sox like the single pair I bought many years ago, on the west coast, when ONE $9 pair of good wool sox was all I could afford 10 yrs ago or so. They have worn like iron, though (still wearing them and they are thin but not yet darned!), and I while I did not remember the brand, I had been looking (with at least the back of my awareness) for more pairs for years, especially so since knowing I was going to Maine, well I found them on sale at one of the outlets and got 4 pairs! also some wonderful Thinsulate gloves, pair for K and one for me, at $2.50 a pair.
Saw the moon doing the entry into the eclipse as K drove us home, so I did trance and some ritual work while we were driving, finished it after we got home.
Today I signed and fax back the Offer to Purchase and Contract for the red house on 1.5 acres, send earnest $$ and a check to the owner for some oil to start the heat system up... he is going to get a plumber in at his expense to make sure the hot water baseboard heat/water heater is working! so we will not be moving into a frozen house... We are still looking for closing on or before March 3. And I retained a lawyer to handle the title search and that kind of stuff... I still have to get someone to do an inspection, but have been talking to someone on line who works in that field and that will take far less time than the legal BS, which is what usually delays a closing, if anything does. So I got the legal stuff started at the end of business today and will call about inspection tomorrow.
K is trying hard NOT to succumb to what is apparently a flu. He is worried about being sick when we need to move, but at this point he can focus on fighting off the bug and I can continue packing and that will work.
I met with a couple of clients today and will send out my email informing the rest of the changes tomorrow. Cross your fingers they will stick with me. At the rate things are progressing, the new mortgage payment will be a little more than half our current rent, and we will not have to pay for water coming or going (unless there are issues with the going part, in which case we may need to rent a porta-john for a bit... ) so if I can keep most of them, who knows, I may be able to build business in ME and get by with part time job in an other field.
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