The "private lender" also wimped out, which gets us out of the contract for the place where we could not get DSL or cable; the 12 acres is likely out on that account as well, but friends are asking neighbors of that place how THEY connect.
All in all, it looks like we are stuck in "the most ghetto trailer park" for now. I am posting "wanted" signs in all the mom and pop convenience stores and any bulletin board I can find; thus far it has generated one call, from a homeowner with a property that was listed on MLS in the $100+K price range. On two acres. Right...

I have planted a bunch of my old seeds from last year, just on the chance they will grow and last weekend went out to some of the local growers and got leaf and head lettuce starts, celery (to try) broccoli and cabbages as well (2 kinds) and accidentally a flat of cauliflower and one of Brussels sprouts. I also planted a few hills of Peruvian purple potatoes and some red Chilean ones... tiny little things, the seed 'taters were. I got some dwarf grey sugar peas that I had hoped would be sugar snaps but appear to be the kinds used in stir fry instead... oh well, we like them too. Sugar snaps seem to be hard to find, but I am going to a field day at the MOGFA
the end of the month, and they will have vendors, including one of my favorite growers, Johnny's Selected Seeds, so I still have hope. I soaked the peas overnight, as I also did the spinach. I am not holding my breath on the spinach giving a good crop as my experience says it likes a plot that has been recently heavily dressed with manure compost. But we will see...
Those are all in the ground. And I have a few packs of tomatoes and peppers waiting for weather to dry and warm again a bit. Tradition here (the old timers) want to plant everything the end of May; I have heard "after the May full moon" for 'maters, but the next few days are supposed to be rainy, at the least, if not cooler as well.

I am truly enjoying the cooler nights and early mornings, though. When the sun is out for much of the day it warms enough that I was wishing for shorts and a tank top at the garden last session.
To catch up on other threads, the meeting with the developer went well and he will most likely become my second Maine client.
I attended a workshop for artists and made some good connections that likely will lead to my participation in some local craft fairs, and this evening was the opening reception for the SMBIZ4ME conference, which will continue tomorrow.
And I have a new camera!! After making do with my oldest digital cam, the result of having accidentally dropped my Sony just prior to the move, an outstanding invoice was paid. I had mentally earmarked it for a replacement camera and so there is now a battery for my new Sony a200 charging in the kitchen.
I am looking forward to many wonderful photo shoots as I wander about my new home turf.