How's THAT for amazing! I've been in Maine not quite 4 months and have already received recognition from FEMA (for whatever THEIR opinion is worth! LOL) for my support. I have been helping my friend Robin, editor of Maine Nature News with her seasonal Black Fly Report map graphics. Black Flies, if you have not been blessed to know them, are a biting menace here in the north woods from spring through early or midsummer. They look like 1/8 scale houseflies, are inclined to swarm around your face and bite like the dickens. Unlike mosquitoes, they are of several species and have slightly differing seasons, breeding in moving -- rather than still -- water. Apparently FEMA and other agencies use the totally volunteer reporting effort when they respond to disasters and other conditions. I offered to help Robin when she was fussing in her farm blog about doing the maps. What is relatively quick and easy with my professional Photoshop program was much more difficult with her lower-budget programs and that added to the detail of having to locate the individual reporting spots on the Maine Atlas and Gazetteer each time and make a dot of the correct color to indicate the severity of the flies -- on top of this all happening at a very busy time on her farm -- was getting to her. So now she sends me the reports, I make the graphic and send it back to her ready to place on her site with the Tuesday update. And for that, I get official recognition. WOO HOO.
One of the owner fi is a trailer plunked down on fill... in better shape than this but no privacy and just nothing much to recommend. The other is also a trailer with add-on, on a lot in town next to folks who do race cars, as evidenced by the several in the drive and a large garage/shop. No place for a garden and decidedly non-optimal.
And it was "baby animal night" on River Road, as we startled several young/baby wild rabbits and a young squirrel on our way home. Now I had best get some work done... |