Today is getting off to a late start. Gods I hate this, when I go to bed at the proper time and yet do not awaken until well after sun-up. But I must have needed the sleep... I was stressed yesterday by the news that one of my favorite sons-in-law had been rushed to the hospital, unconscious, from work, and I spent a considerable amount of time doing a Working for him in sacred space. The report is good, he apparently had pneumonia caused by the virus that also causes meningitis and he is conscious and being treated. I hope to hear more news today. But later in the day yesterday I made the "mistake" of responding to a post on an e-list ... though I had been less than positive in outlook and attitude of late, I decided to take the challenge and try to post some of my blessings, things I had recently enjoyed and was looking forward to... but one of my friends on the list -- not truly understanding my relationship with The Gods -- posted a long response that basically said "bloom where you are planted, it will happen in the Gods timing." I had been questioning, myself, the meaning and purpose of this period of "limbo" while we look for a place to buy... wondering if I "should" spend energy trying to make the "most ghetto" trailer livable, when I should begin in earnest looking for a stable part-time job, etc... and this post just stirred me up worse.
As I was attempting to make supper in the poor excuse of a kitchen, these wondering were on my mind and I had voiced to the Gods, the thought "ok, so do I REALLY need to try to make this place livable." when opening the door of the fridge caused two of the glass tumblers (one of my Crone glasses, so called because 56 of them were used to hold candles for my croning ceremony a while back) to fall off the counter, where they were drying and one to break. NO! resonated in my mind as loud at the shattering of the glass...
So maybe I needed the extra sleep, who knows. But in any case the Words have been received and sent out, a late breakfast is due to be prepared and then we will be off today for an unscheduled trip to Bangor for plywood and loom hardware.
This trip is necessitated as I got an order for the Love and a Happy Home hex sign, which graces the opening of this blog, but in a 1' size, for which I have no plywood "blanks" cut. And the loom needs to be repaired (I bought it last month from someone who had never used it and it came "parts missing." I ordered a manual from the old distributor (no longer really in business though they were able to help me in that regard)... It needs repaired as I am getting a couple of large boxes of wool fabric scraps from [URL=""]Twin Rose Designs[/URL] ... leavings from their clothing business, from which I plan to weave rugs.
So, off to town we go. When we get back I will try to call again on the FSBO that I spotted the other day.
And by the way, if you have green bean seeds that have not been planted, you have GOLD at least here in Maine. I had not known if I would have room for any or not and figured when it came to that decision I would buy some. WRONG. I now have room and cannot find the seeds anywhere.. the hardware store in Milo told me that "everyone" lost the first, and possibly second plantings and the repeated plantings have used up their entire stock. Blue seal in Bangor had none either and when I stopped at Kmart just to see (they were on my route) their entire garden section was dark. Gardening is over.. time for Back To School! Gods, how they rush the season..