Meanwhile, back in the life-that-happens-while-you-wait, the last hex to be painted in this space has been top coated, boxed and will hopefully go out from the PO today. Seen above, it is the first Inspiration / Spiritual Rain sign that I have done for exterior display -- a 2' circle painted in house paint. I have found that the aluminum containers for tea light candles make an excellent size and place to mix custom colors of this paint. I have enough when I do that to do the requisite two coats of the color and don't waste much. No, you do not have to save them for me, I generate plenty, believe me!
Next job is to put up a "on vacation" sign in the online store front. I think I will re-open it on Equinox... that should give me enough time to get set up and the new place and do some site updates as well.
The next few weeks are going to be totally stressful at work; one of the guides is on the "sick-lame-lazy list" and that leaves us scrambling to find qualified personnel for the scheduled trips at season's peak. That is not the only logistical issue... but and I am sure there will be more crop up over the next few weeks. Getting extra time off for this move is NOT in the picture. But I will survive.
I have been dreaming a bit here online -- searching out sources for bulbs and other things that I want to plant that should go in the ground in the fall. A friend who works in landscaping has offered to break ground for me this fall and I intend to take him up on it. I do not want to wait until next fall to start the asparagus bed, nor to put in the first bittersweet, daffodils, tulips, crocus...
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