This has been a good, quiet, busy, productive day here at the ol' homestead.
The rain of yesterday ended and though we did not get much in the way of sun breaks, it was a good day to work outside (especially when you do not mind getting a bit wet and muddy!
I planted all the Red Twig Dogwood and wild rose plants I got free yesterday. Discovered that we have a lot of the dogwood growing along the front property line, along with the (apparently not fruiting this year) raspberries. I also proved that goldenrod is NOT one of my allergens, as I waded into the wild area at the front and broke off tons of it -- nearly chest-high -- as I worked to find places to tuck in additional dogwood. Once the leaves drop, I will try to thin/prune the raspberries with the eye to keeping them a bit tamed and encouraging them to fruit. The dogwood looks a lot like the raspberry canes, except the latter has THORNS so will be easy to differentiate come late fall. Also discovered a couple of ferns... I want to keep the front line a bit wild, encourage brush to grow and will plant trees -- conifers and deciduous -- inside the wild part that will eventually act as a screen between us and the road.
The wild roses I had planned to put along the west border-- the row starts with the rasp- and blackberries I bought, and now continues with roses. I'll harvest rose hips... and plant more brambley things to continue the row as time goes on. There will be a space wide enough for the truck to drive between the assumed boundary and the row of brambles, as I am planning to make the entire perimeter driveable, as needed, to carry manure etc to the various parts of the fields.
I also stuck a bunch of other plants I had been given in the earth -- enlarged a bit the bed that I had started for some mums and bulbs. Most of these plants are annuals and will die in a few weeks but some are perennials and a few, likely, will survive. Planted more bulbs, too... I still have quite a few daffodils and crocus, a few more tulips and some grape hyacinths to put in.
Finished painting the white coat on the three hex signs -- two coats actually -- and they are in waiting for the design to be drawn and painted. I'll start that tonight.
I also got the bed stripped and linens washed, along with the bleach load that had been waiting from the other day and an odd bit of coloreds. They all got dry but the sweatshirt. but for the first time since the move I did not have to put the single set of sheets we had found back on the bed, as the box of linens surfaced! NEW clean sheets! LOL and after the garden work I took a nice long soak, and so it will be clean me in clean bed, and not too terribly late tonight.
I have done a bunch of fussing around as well, carrying recycles to the collection center in the garage (I found empty totes earlier in the week) and taking out the trash to the big can as well. THAT will need a trip to the dump, if possible, this week as we have lots of styrafoam from unpacking the drill press and a metal firepit for the yard. We set that up yesterday... much more complicated than I had expected... before going to get the bushes and collecting the Subaru from the shop. It was too wet to use it for Needfire last evening, but I will use it the first dry evening I have a reason to... at least it is up for Housewarming (keeping fingers crossed for dry day for that too!
Now, the pork and apples is about done, the squash in the oven need checking and the potatoes are coming to a boil so, as it is supper time, I'll bid you good night.
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