I am hoping for a quiet and productive day today, after a day of running yesterday. Got K to the doc, where we were told that -- despite his heavy chest feelings, pain and shortness of breath the stress test showed nothing amiss with the heart. I supposed that is a good thing, but there are still the disturbing symptoms to explain. K feels they will find something -- eventually -- likely almost by accident and it will not be anything the expect. I dunno...
I did have a good session with my client and have a bunch of new pictures of his camp, which is for sale, to add to his web site, with mouseover script to bring up larger images to view. Started on that last night, getting some of the other images swapped out as he had wished and need to complete that bit today. Also need to get back on track with editing my book of Words of Wisdom and do some painting, all of which have got left behind.

The weather forecast shows nothing but rain (90% now, down to a low of 20% by mid week) in the forseeable future, so it should be condusive to working inside. However, I still have lots of green matter than CAN be raked and applied to the garden, as long as the snow has not yet covered the earth. I am planning to try to do a bit of that each day when I can find a bit of time that is it not actively raining, presuming I can get the pickup -- which needs new tires -- over to pick up the load. There is still a bit of mulching that can be done on the berry bushes, but that is nearly done... the rest of the green stuff will go to the garden proper I think.
Then there is the matter of the newly sprouted fall lettuces; I want to try to set up a bit of a cold frame over some and pot others into the house as an experiment...

My cold or whatever "bug" it is that has been mommicking me seems to be abating some; after my client meeting yesterday, I stopped at the grocers on the way home and seemed to have my usual level of energy.. walking quickly through the parking lot and the store as I normally do. However by evening I was less than perky and this morning, feel congested again and less energetic than typical. More ecenacea tea for me... and DO remember the vitamins today!
I added some PICTURES after my morning walkabout!
But I should have worn my BeanBoots.. my shoes, socks and sweatpants legs were soaked when I got back in.
I've always thought that a single drop of water was the greatest work of art.
I'm glad all went well at the doctors but sorry the cause hasn't been discovered.
Quiet day blesseings for you :)
Lovely pictures. Raindrops are wonderful.
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