Sunday, March 22, 2009

Maine Maple Sunday

I am off in a few minutes to spend the morning, at least, with friends touring a maple syrup producer during the annual spring rite here in Maine known as Maine Maple Sunday.

The sap is flowing, the producers are hard at work and many of them offer tours and demonstrations and treats (and of course use this as an opportunity to promote their products!) each year.

As we drive to Nutkin Knoll Farm we will be talking and brainstorming about business opportunities. My friends Anne and Todd (with whom I am taking the Master Gardener class) have a fledgling farm, Kidding Around Farm, raising meat goats and Anne makes soap and Todd does landscaping (like many Mainers we wear many hats during the year) and like many of us everywhere, we all need more income.

With luck I'll be back in Bangor in time to meet and briefly visit with farmer friend, Robin and friends of hers from "away" who have been here to visit and study four season gardening with greenhouses.

And then there is work at the store 4-9. But it should be a fun day.

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