Saturday, January 31, 2009

Turning TIde 2

During my time by the Hearthfire last night, I felt moved to welcome the incoming Tide.

I have been feeling the energy of the growing light for a week or more, finally getting to putting away stuff from boxes brought in from the garage in the office and Craft room and plunking away at the perpetual ToDo list (allowing it to renew as well).

But last night, as I sat by the fire, I seem to have felt the same energies as my friend Terra Joanna,
deep in the southlands. With the coming of the lighter days (though there is still not a perceptible increase in the length of the day) I am well motivated to get projects out of the way, begin new ones, and -- today -- to visit the dump (which is a regular, if not frequent, ritual for us as we have no trash pickup.) We generate, of the course of a month or more, less trash than we typically see sitting by the driveway of those who have pickup on a weekly basis. But nevertheless, it must go out.

It is the end of the month as well, and business invoices will be sent today, and a day off from the store, so I will get to cook something for supper as well. It is supposed to be a warmer (mid-20s) day, if not sunny, so likely I will get out on my snowshoes a bit, to play in the deepening snow. the birdbath in the front field is almost covered. There are no drifts in play there. But in the dog yard, it is a good thing Brandi doesn't challenge the fence (though I am pretty sure the snow would not support her) for in many places it is near -- and in some places OVER, the top of the fence.

(photo, top of blog) On the front side, the "drift" under the window is just that, a drift -- the one that tries each time the snow falls and blows, to block the front door. If you have the eyes of someone from the northlands, you can see where the snow was shoveled off the porch and pushed by the plow guy at the front of the drift... but back, under and almost kissing the window, the snow was deposited only by Mother Nature, with no help from man, woman or snowblower. Hail, Winter!

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