Monday, October 27, 2008

White Morning!

No, it's not snow... we are socked in with heavy fog. At dawn it was so thick I could not have told if the horses next door were in their barn or pasture. now, I can see several standing around the large round bale, which has been set up much closer to their barn than previously, and I can -- dimly through the fog -- see another standing at the far back of their field.

A friend was thinking of coming for a visit this week, I hope she did not try for today, as the place is not that easy to find in clear weather and broad daylight!

I am 95% done with the garage, though I had told K that there would be room to park the riding mower on the storage side and the way I have it arranged, there is not... so there will likely be some more shuffleing at some time in the future. I will consult with him about that, as he had wanted his boxes and totes all stacked together -- which I have done -- but I do not want to box them in so he cannot go through them. There is much in there -- in my opinion -- that he will soon be ready to either let go of or will come into the house.

However that will wait for another day, I think, as I am feeling a little yukky and with the fog, it seems a day to stay inside. I need to make cookies to have on hand for the studio open house on Friday ("autumn leaf cookies" that I cut out from sugar cookie dough, multicolored... they are fun to make and look really cool and chocolate dough for acorns, I frost the "tops" and sprinkle with chocolate sprinkles too.) so getting them done today sounds like a good plan. I have had one response to my press releases, asking for high resolution pictures, so that is a good sign that someone might show up.

I also have work to do for clients, and can busy myself with that while the cookie dough does its mandatory time in the fridge.

It looks like the computer is back and (mostly) running. I found one more program this morning that was missing its .exe file... and got it reloaded. K pulled an all-nighter working on the machine and is now crashed out.

Other projects on the list for "soon" include:
  • doing the raking
  • re-stacking the "haystack" compost pile, as the one end of it blew over in the high winds of the most recent storm
  • organizing the office (which has never really been totally set up) so I can put away the stuff in the "office box" that got brought in when I went looking for the software disks K needed
  • organizing the Craft room
  • finding places for the boxes of fabric that I brought in as well
  • finding places to sit or hang the remaining pieces of art
And of course I still must complete the illustrations for the Yule moose book for the Grands and finish layout on the Words of Wisdom book... that won't be 50,000 words, but it might make a good quasi-NaNoWriMo project...

Ahhh.. the coffee pot calls and it is time to get dressed (finally) and attack the day.

1 comment:

oldcrow61 said...

Good heavens, you are a busy bee. There always seems to be things to do.
