Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring and days off

Even though most of the fields are still covered in snow, I can feel that spring is coming. We are on our second planting of seedlings (Brussels sprouts and lettuce, planted last week, are showing their cotyledons) and the cabbages are ready to be planted out into the growing spaces for the next few weeks. That is a Wednesday project.

This week I have three days off in a row and Tu is not likely to be a big away day, though we still have Dover-Foxcroft in the morning and my Master Gardener class in the evening), though Th will require us to go do Milo for an extra doc visit and likely to Sams for new/more/different meds. But I won't have to be at the store and I will have time to work on the new hex order that I got last week, and the garden, and decide about the truck.

K got the farm truck going but said there is either a worse problem with our rear axle or a brake than we thought. Thankfully there is a (reportedly decent) garage just down the road. I'll drive it down the road and back and give them a call during this time off to see what can be done.

We also have Brandi's spay coming next week, so $$ will have to be watched... but I do need to get the truck running so I can begin using it for hauling manure soon.

Still not sure how I am going to manage to get the gardens turned and tilled during the year. I am holding hope that something will present itself.

Right now I am just so thoroughly glad to have got the corporate tax returns done and out today and not to have to think about much that worries me for the next few days, save K's health. He has been having more, and more protracted and "worse", spells of "not really being here" of late. He lost most of yesterday and several other days recently he has been out of it in various ways so badly that he cannot even play the video game that he uses as something to focus on to block the pain.

Today must have been better, as he got the truck going/moved and apparently also pattied up the ground beef that I had not yet got done. And for his sake, I am glad of that.

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